Amazon Storefront Landing Pages

Getting products onto the Amazon platform is an important initiative for any brand. It was my responsibility to understand the functionality of the platform and any developing capabilities that Amazon was releasing. This was a huge collaborative effort with our Key Accounts Manager, Sr. Art Director, and myself. It was important for all us to be in sync so inventory and digital assets were aligned. This project also required new photography, which allowed me to art direct remotely from concept to retouching to upload. When creating these layouts, I had to balance customer experience with Amazon’s constraints to create a final product that met both needs.



My roles

Art direction
UI design
Photography direction

Amazon Storefront Landing Pages

Retail Ecommerce Activations

Pitching collaborations between eSalon and established retailers was a key initiative for the company. Part of this pitch initiative included integrating a retailer’s current site with eSalon products and branding. It was important to show the user journey, where they would navigate from the retailer’s site to eSalon’s to create their custom color online. I’ve selected some homepage mockups, which illustrate the individuality of each retailer and the visual integration with eSalon in each situation. The curated retailers include American retailers (ULTA, CVS, Target) and European retailers (Douglas, dm-drogerie markt) with their respective languages.



My role

UI design
Asset ownership
Cross-functional collaboration

Retail Ecommerce Activations